
Ireland  Ireland


Belfast, Ireland
Dublin, Ireland

Primary Birth events within Ireland

   Name  Birth DeathPerson ID
1 ??, GrizellaEst 1708(here) Bentonville, Warren County, Virginia, USAI31072
2 Blackburn, Benjamin1713(here)1791Washington County, Tennessee, USAI21965
3 Frazer, Martha JaneNov 1867(here)  I27219
4 Fulton, Elizabeth1732(here)1807Augusta County, Virginia, USAI29094
5 Fulton, Hugh1727(here)16 May 1810Greenville, Augusta County, Virginia, USAI29097
6 Fulton, James1690(here)1753Augusta County, Virginia, USAI29096
7 Fulton, JamesAbt 1729(here)Abt 1801Virginia, USAI31361
8 Glasgow, Agnes1722(here)1806Leadvale, Jefferson County, Tennessee, USAI22049
9 Graham, John (here)unknownNew Albany, Floyd County, Indiana, USAI20860
10 Graham, Margaret Ann12 Jul 1835Belfast17 Apr 1921Leon, Decatur County, Iowa, USAI20859
11 Greenlee, AlexanderEst 1750(here) Mason County, West Virginia, USAI30041
12 Greenlee, Edward Sr8 Sep 1761(here)23 Aug 1839Mason County, West Virginia, USAI30039
13 Greenlee, Edward8 Sep 1761(here)23 Aug 1839 I31465
14 Greenlee, JaneBef 1766(here) Charleston, Kanawha County, West Virginia, USAI31466
15 Greenlee, JohnAbt 1759(here)Aft 1803Mason County, West Virginia, USAI30044
16 Greenlee, WilliamEst 1730(here) West Virginia, USAI30046
17 Mathes, AlexanderBef 1708(here)1788Bentonville, Warren County, Virginia, USAI31071
18 McKerl, MargaretAbt 1815(here)  I20861
19 Montgomery, MariaAbt 1874(here)1918 I29377
20 O'Bannon, CatharineEst 1720DublinAft 1754 I30699
21 Rogers, Jane (here)25 Aug 1835Walnut Hill, Hamilton County, Ohio, USAI29104

Primary Marriage events within Ireland

   Family  Marriage Family ID
1 Jacob Hite / Catharine O'Bannon1733DublinF26734
2 James Fulton / Sarah Ann Lockhart (here)F23385
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