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Colbert County, Alabama, USA
Sheffield, Colbert County, Alabama, USA
Cherokee, Colbert County, Alabama, USA
Dickson, Colbert County, Alabama, USA
Allsboro, Colbert County, Alabama, USA
Rock Creek, Colbert County, Alabama, USA
Russell Cemetery, Maud, Colbert County, Alabama, USA
Name  | Residence  | Birth | Death | Person ID |
1 |
Bennett, Easter Ann | 1880 | Dickson… | 29 Jun 1830 | South Carolina, _ | 11 Sep 1902 | Tishomingo County, Mississippi, _ | I28681 |
2 |
Hamby, Sarah | 1870 | Cherokee… | Betw 1810 and 1821 | Tennessee, _ | Abt 1871 | (here) | I20145 |
3 |
Harvey, Madison (Matt) | 1870 | (here) | 11 Jun 1844 | Fayette County, Tennessee, _ | 15 Apr 1923 | Vernon, Wilbarger County, Texas, _ | I20268 |
4 |
'' | 1870 | Cherokee… | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' |
5 |
Horton, Azre (Ezra) | 1870 | Cherokee… | Betw 1809 and 1821 | South Carolina or Tennessee, _ | Bef 1887 | Fannin County, Texas, _ | I20144 |
6 |
Horton, Elizabeth Genora (Lizzie) | 1870 | Cherokee… | 11 Jan 1842 | Tennessee, _ | 10 Jan 1924 | Vernon, Wilbarger County, Texas, _ | I20267 |
7 |
Horton, James Arthur (Archie) | 1870 | (here) | 8 Aug 1848 | Tennessee, _ | 12 Aug 1909 | Fletcher, Comanche County, Oklahoma, _ | I20266 |
8 |
Horton, James Barnett | 1870 | (here) | 5 Jan 1870 | Pleasant Site, Franklin County, _, _ | Aft 1930 | | I23739 |
9 |
Horton, John Henry | 1870 | Cherokee… | 14 Oct 1840 | Tennessee, _ | 8 Jun 1912 | Quanah, Hardeman County, Texas, _ | I20148 |
10 |
Horton, Will Wright | 1870 | Cherokee… | 27 Aug 1859 | Tishomingo County, Mississippi, _ | 8 Apr 1907 | Tucumcari, Quay County, New Mexico, _ | I20617 |
11 |
'' | 1870 | Cherokee… | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' |
12 |
Hutcheson, Andrew Jackson | 1880 | Dickson… | 29 Nov 1858 | Alabama, _ | 13 Nov 1911 | Cherokee County, _, _ | I28685 |
13 |
Hutcheson, Henry Luther | 1910 | Rock Creek… | Abt 1906 | Mississippi, _ | | | I28708 |
14 |
'' | 1920 | Rock Creek… | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' |
15 |
Hutcheson, Isaac Francis | 1910 | Rock Creek… | Abt 1852 | Alabama, _ | | | I28650 |
16 |
Hutcheson, Jasper Newton | 1910 | Rock Creek… | 25 Jul 1854 | Alabama, _ | 8 Mar 1931 | | I28701 |
17 |
'' | 1920 | Rock Creek… | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' |
18 |
'' | 1930 | Rock Creek… | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' |
19 |
Hutcheson, William Rufus | 1880 | Dickson… | 25 Sep 1832 | Dallas County, _, _ | 21 Nov 1911 | Tishomingo County, Mississippi, _ | I22177 |
20 |
'' | 1910 | Rock Creek… | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' |
21 |
McClung, Mary Elizabeth | 1870 | Cherokee… | 16 Jan 1848 | Alabama, _ | 27 Feb 1885 | Hillsboro, Hill County, Texas, _ | I23631 |
22 |
Rutlege, Lucy Jane | 1910 | Rock Creek… | 15 Aug 1868 | Alabama, _ | | | I28706 |
23 |
'' | 1920 | Rock Creek… | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' |
24 |
'' | 1930 | Rock Creek… | '' | '' | '' | '' | '' |