
St Mary's County, Maryland, USA  St Mary's County, Maryland, USA


St Mary's County, Maryland, USA
All Faith Episcopal Church Cemetery, Mechanicsville, St Mary's County, Maryland, USA
Leonardtown, St Mary's County, Maryland, USA
St Mary's, St Mary's County, Maryland, USA
Point Lookout Confederate Cemetery, Scotland, St Mary's County, Maryland, USA

Primary Birth events within St Mary's County, Maryland, USA

   Name  Birth DeathPerson ID
1 Billingsley, Ann1723(here)  I29839
2 Billingsley, Clearanna1732(here)  I29838
3 Billingsley, Cyrus1737/38(here)Dec 1818Monongalia County, West Virginia, _I25419
4 Billingsley, Elizabeth1751(here)1781 I25367
5 Billingsley, Francis1736/37(here)1799Wilkes County, Georgia, _I29840
6 Billingsley, James BApr 1726(here)25 Jan 1776Guilford County, North Carolina, _I21280
7 Billingsley, John Sr17 Aug 1753(here)19 Sep 1844Warren County, Kentucky, _I25368
8 Billingsley, Margaret1728(here)  I29837
9 Billingsley, Mary SumnerBef 1720(here)  I29835
10 Billingsley, SamuelJun 1747St Mary's10 Jun 1816Bledsoe County, Tennessee, _I21282
11 Billingsley, WilliamOct 1670(here)Jul 1716Calvert County, _, _I21276
12 Billingsley, William Sumner1720(here)  I29833
13 Carroll, Derosey8 Oct 1813(here)14 Jan 1863Charleston, Franklin County, Arkansas, _I30292

Primary Death events within St Mary's County, Maryland, USA

   Name  Death BirthPerson ID
1 Billingsley, BowlesMay 1744(here)Dec 1694Calvert County, _, _I27726
2 Billingsley, SamuelAbt 1741(here)Jan 1696Calvert County, _, _I27727
3 Billingsley, Sarah Ann1712(here)1652Essex County, Virginia, _I21275
4 Billingsley, William Jr.16 Dec 1745(here)1691Calvert County, _, _I21278
5 Sumner, Mary EmilyDec 1740(here)Nov 1696Calvert County, _, _I21279

Primary Burial events within St Mary's County, Maryland, USA

   Name  Burial BirthDeathPerson ID
1 Billingsley, Cyrus All Faith Episcopal Church Cemetery, Mechanicsville1737/38(here)Dec 1818Monongalia County, West Virginia, _I25419
2 Billingsley, William Jr. All Faith Episcopal Church Cemetery, Mechanicsville1691Calvert County, _, _16 Dec 1745(here)I21278
3 Hale, Allison Point Lookout Confederate Cemetery, Scotland1 Dec 1814 8 Feb 1864 I30248
4 Sumner, Mary Emily All Faith Episcopal Church Cemetery, MechanicsvilleNov 1696Calvert County, _, _Dec 1740(here)I21279
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