
Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USA  Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USA


Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USA

Primary Birth events in Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USA

   Name  Birth DeathPerson ID
1 Todd, Virginia Caroline (Jennie)5 Dec 186322 Jan 1935Quanah, Hardeman County, Texas, _I20480

Primary Death events in Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USA

   Name  Death BirthPerson ID
1 Todd, George HenryBef 1874Abt 1822North Carolina, _I20837

Residence events in Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USA

   Name  Residence BirthDeathPerson ID
1 Haffner, Susannah18601803North Carolina, _  I31591
2 Ross, Margaret Amanda186012 Oct 1833Tennessee, _12 Apr 1913Quanah, Hardeman County, Texas, _I20146
3 Todd, James Neal1860Abt 1798North Carolina, _ Dyer County, _, _I31590
4 Todd, Nancy H1860Abt 1840North Carolina, _  I31592

Primary Marriage events in Dyersburg, Dyer County, Tennessee, USA

   Family  Marriage Family ID
1 Azre (Ezra) Horton / Margaret Amanda Ross26 Nov 1874F20074
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