The popular British oranist, portrayed in this picture from the Hammond Organs page on the Theatre Organ Web Site. Robin Richmond was very well known in England, and was a pioneer in a post-World-War-II revival of the theater organ, and the host of a long-running radio show. He died in 1998. See this review of Robin Richmond's last recording.
The most famous living Robin Richmond, who is an internationally acclaimed artist and author of various books such as
Michelangelo and the Creation of the Sistine Chapel,
Children in Art, and
Frida Kahlo in Mexico.
Here is a painting by that Robin Richmond.
The first woman in Michigan City, Indiana to bowl an 800 series on March 27, 2003.
A Yoga instructor in Silver Spring, Maryland. This Robin Richmond is certified with the Shiatsu Foundation of Canada and is a certified Yoga instructor. She has been in practice since 1984 and has developed a special method combining Shiatsu and Yoga.