
Wuerttemberg  Wuerttemberg

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Wuerttemberg is not an exact Placename in this database.
Neckartenzlingen, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Neubulach, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Heidelberg, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Gross Sachsenheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Massenbach, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Stetten Am Heuchelberg, Heilbronn, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Bad Wildbad, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Wimsheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire
Egesheim, Tuttlingen, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire

Primary Birth events within Wuerttemberg

   Name  Birth DeathPerson ID
1 ??, Anna BarbaraEst 1680Gross Sachsenheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire Pennsylvania, USAI29500
2 Kimberling, Adam Johannes (Joh) Sr7 Jul 1743Massenbach, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman EmpireBef Mar 1805Arbuckle, Mason County, West Virginia, USAI26015
3 Kummerlin, Maria Catherine18 Nov 1747Massenbach, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire1811 I26213
4 Meyer, Barbara27 Apr 1701Neubulach, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire1773Upper Leacock, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USAI29316
5 Oberholtzer, Sophrenia (Frena)Est 1709Heidelberg, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, USAI21407
6 Schmaltzhaf, Maria Eva Katharina1 May 1716Massenbach, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman EmpireBef 1744Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman EmpireI26041
7 Strohecker, Anna Maria1738Wimsheim, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman EmpireBef 1782Berks County, Pennsylvania, USAI24240
8 Vogt, Catherine Margaret29 Nov 1714Bad Wildbad, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman EmpireJun 1793Augusta County, Virginia, USAI29610
9 Weiss, Veronica3 Sep 1727Egesheim, Tuttlingen, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman EmpireAbt 1810Maidencreek Twp, Berks County, Pennsylvania, USAI24437

Primary Death events within Wuerttemberg

   Name  Death BirthPerson ID
1 Schmalzhaf, Philipp Adam22 Jul 1754Massenbach, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire1679 I31470

Baptism events within Wuerttemberg

   Name  Baptism BirthDeathPerson ID
1 Kümmerlin, Jacob Friderich14 Oct 1746Neckartenzlingen, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire23 Feb 1715Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire11 Oct 1763Indian Mills, Summers County, West Virginia, USAI26042
2 Schumacher, Maria Magdalena14 Mar 1727Massenbach, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire31 Aug 1719Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman Empire  I29252

Primary Marriage events within Wuerttemberg

   Family  Marriage Family ID
1 Jacob Friderich Kümmerlin / Maria Eva Katharina Schmaltzhaf30 Jan 1741Stetten Am Heuchelberg, Heilbronn, Wuerttemberg, Holy Roman EmpireF22271
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