A Straight Perspective on Gay Rights

Stereotypes & Culture
This section needs a lot of work. I'll just give brief descriptions of various concepts
  • Choice - Nature vs. Nurture
    A lot of people think that homosexuality is caught, learned, or developed because of a strong mother and a weak father. Well, in this big wide world, almost everything has happened more than a few times, but I can say that:
    • No one I know has every told me that they are gay by choice, and no one I know has ever told me that they know anyone that is gay by choice.
    • Whether it is genetic, congenital, developed, or chose, homosexuality is still benign in society at large, and gay people do not deserve discrimination or abuse.
  • Shame & Guilt Gay people are frequently made to feel ashamed for being homosexual or having homosexual attractions, while their peers often engage in heterosexual sexual activity without fear or shame. While it's reasonably that something that is not "the norm" might be a bit confusing and frightening, it's not reasonable or fair that people should make such a big deal over it.
  • Promiscuity Yes, it's pretty apparent that gay men - at least those who are young and out - are, on average, more promiscuous than heterosexual men, who are more promiscuous than heterosexual women. However, many gay men are faithful and committed to one partner. This leads to the following thoughts:
    1. It's a "guy" thing, not a "gay" thing, and more particularly, a "young guy" thing
    2. Homosexuals are taught from childhood that they are promiscuous sinners. Why should be surprised that many of them turn out to be what we teach them to be?
    3. As long as we maintain disincentives to fidelity by forbidding the legal recognition of gay couples in marriage (or its legal equivalent), of course gay people are going to be less likely to be partnered! Even with the -How many of us could have stayed together if we hadn't stood up in front of our friends and relatives and stated vows to honor, love, and cherish each other until death!
  • Guys As I noted above - It's a guy thing, not a gay thing.
  • Scapegoating Homosexuality and the potential for homosexual marriage is a scapegoat for the breakdown in marriage and family in our society. Marriages and families are under assault from consumerism and commercialism, the mobile society that moves people across the country at employer whims, workaholism, alcoholism, increasing medical costs, joblessness in minority communities, and sex and violence on TV and in the movies, to name just a few. But, for some reason, our federal and state legislatures are passing "Defense of Marriage Acts" that prohibit devoted, loving, same-sex couples from marrying, or in some case, from enjoying any of the social and economic benefits that ordinarily come with marriage. Where's the threat.
  • The Gay Gene- excerpts & discussion from 
    "A Separate Creation" by Chandler Burr
  • The Black Box, or What's the Trait

A Straight Perspective on Gay Rights
Robin Richmond - www.robinrichmond.com
PFLAG Cleveland - www.pflagcleveland.org
November, 2001