A Straight Perspective on Gay Rights

Same Sex Marriage - Where's the Threat?

I don't really understand this concern about the "threat" of same-sex unions, and the push for "DOMA" Laws ("Defense of Marriage Acts").

We live in a country where more and more middle-aged people as well as youth are finding marriage irrelevant, where fewer and fewer married couples have children (whether by choice or circumstance), where cloning and other scientific developments challenge the very nature of life, where (heterosexual) promiscuity is rampant, where the married president of the United States committed infidelity (and was widely defended despite the fact that he was carrying on with an intern just barely over 21 and under his supervision), where the leader of the "Republican Revolution" of the 1990's (after supposedly resigning nobly because his national campaign strategy failed, despite the fact that his district had just asked him to serve two more years) was exposed as a long-time adulterer, where the very concept of public schools is being challenged, where parents are nervous about guns in schools, where epithet-spouting punk rockers and rappers are promoted by America's largest music companies, where crotch-grabbing and epithet-spouting professional wrestlers are among the greatest folk heroes of youth and adults, where a state governor participates in a public spectacle with the primary promoter of that over-the-top "Wrestlemania", where terrorist organizations have or soon will have atomic weapons, and where the disparity between rich and poor continues to widen. 

Meanwhile, gay people engage in every positive activity and institution in society (except marriage) at about the same rate as heterosexuals, and do seek and discover "true love" (it's NOT just about sex) and establish faithful lifetime commitments, despite that fact that they are taught from childhood that they are pariahs who cannot (or refuse to) engage in normal human interactions and that most policies and benefits that would encourage their fidelity and help to provide a social basis for stability in their relationships are withheld from them.  In a context where so many social structures are breaking down, but where many gay people embrace the concept of marriage, I have a lot of trouble with the notion that a conscientious thoughtful person could really think that same-sex marriage is a threat.

A Straight Perspective on Gay Rights
Robin Richmond - www.robinrichmond.com
PFLAG Cleveland - www.pflagcleveland.org
November, 2001