Michael Reasor

Revolutionary War Pension Papers


State of Kentucky, Spencer Co. Pension Declaration No. 21673.  18 months service.  Approved 10 Sep 1834, before John Jeuston, Thomas Newman, Stillwell Heady, Thomas Barker, George Collins, Jesse Crum, Humphrey May, Jas. H. Brown, William Burnett and Zachariah Terrel who compose the county court of Spencer Co.

Michael Reasor, a resident of Spencer Co., Kentucky, age 72 years on 3 Feb 1832, on oath states he entered service of U.S. under Col. Kennedy who lives in Winchester, Va with Capt. Gilkason, Lieut. Goodlow Harchall, being a Dutchman and Ensign Jenkins, who was a fifer, enlisted 1 May 1977.  He quit the service in 1779.  Enlisted again in 1781, month of April under General Mechlenburg and Gen. DeMarcus, then called, but now known as Gen. LaFayette.  Major Rucker who was a Brig. Gen. And Major Helm with Capt. Wm. Frost and Lieut. Kinsay and Ensigh Leaburn left the service in Sept.  He states he lived in the town of Winchester, FrederickCo., Va.  When he entered the service under Capt. Gilkason and Col. Kennedy, who are residents of the same place.

He also lived in the same place when he entered the servics in 1781 under Gen. Muchlenburg and Gen. LaFayette, volunteered in both services, in no battle.  Marched from Winchester, Va. To Fredericktown, Md, and then to Little York, Pa., and then to Lancaster, Pa., and to Philadelphia, Pa. Where he was discharged.

Second tour, left Winchester for Fredericksburg, Va., to Richmond, Va., formed at Miltoncamp under Mucklenburg and LaFayette.  Met Cornwallis who retreated and pursued below Richmond, then discharged.

Signed              Michael Reasor